Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"It's peanut butter jelly time!"

I find it kind of sad how much we as Americans take for granted on a daily basis. The smallest of things that we used to adore and cherish as children are now swept away by the rushing foamy tides of adulthood. For example, a simple sandwich like the Peanut Butter and Jelly, two pieces of bread with the two most delicious and vastly underrated ingredients in the world! Okay, maybe not in the world but for me their kind of up there.

The other night I was in the boyfriend's dorm and we got up for a midnight snack, and since we're poor(ish) college kids a snack is all that we could manage so we whipped up some PB & J's and ate. In that moment I kind of had a flashback/aha moment of my childhood and how much I used to love the sandwiches and now I  hardly ever eat them! While I was eating the delicious "snack" I felt like I was nine years old again swinging my feet from the stool and just taking everything in.  It had to be one of the best moments that I've had in awhile (and I've had a lot in the past month) and it was just really nice and everyone should have that experience on a regular basis. Because in the end it really is the little things in your life that should matter the most to you. 



  1. I do that a lot, getting things (especially food) that remind me of my childhood. Especially things my mother wouldn't let me have as often. Now that I'm grown up and living on my own I can get whatever I like!

  2. I had quite the opposite experience this past April. One night before class I decided to try something different and made my FIRST EVER peanut butter and jelly sandwich...at the tender age of 22. And it was godly. I shared my experience with my classmates and received 12 identical jaw-dropped looks of amazement. They asked me what I ate as a kid...and I said, "Honestly? I can't remember."

    So yes. Enjoy The Little Things. Have you ever seen Zombieland? Rule #32.


  3. I seriously CRUSH some PB&J! It's one of my favorites!

    When I was 11, we lived on a military base in N. Virginia and a neighbor from up the street had stopped by our house with her 4 year old son. He was watching me make PB&J and asked to try it (they were from Argentina, and he'd never seen it before). He LOVED it, and aparently that's all he'd eat from there on out. When they transfered back to Argentina, his mom took a ton of PB&J ingredients back with her lol

  4. Incidentally, where did you snag this snazzy little Goodreads widget from? I want.

  5. I love me some PB&J, although I don't eat it much. And I NEVER buy white bread. But damn, if you gave me a white bread peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I would not turn away...

  6. Sabrina- same here it keeps me from feeling my actual age a lot which I think is good, because I'm weird lol.

    Shane- that's awesome!! Welcome to the club, no I have yet to see Zombieland still but I intend to soon. Someone on campus HAS to have it. I also got the widget from the Goodreads website. :)

    Lizzy- that is awesome too my dear, I love getting people hooked on things that I love it's so fun.

    Just Me- Ironically we had our sandwiches on white bread which I don't really care for but I couldn't and wouldn't turn it away so it was all good :)

  7. If you can find it I highly recommend it lol. Such a funny, although gory, flick. And I think Goodreads might be the next widget I snag for my page. Thanks for the widget inspiration!


  8. You're very welcome Shane :) I love Goodreads, it's such a great website, even though I don't get on it that much I adore it.

  9. I love PB&J too. In fact, I bring PB&J at least once a week to work. It always brightens my day to pull it out and eat it. And it seems to make others perk up too. I love that your wrote a post about this!

  10. P B and J's R the bomb. When I still lived the States I ate them once a week for lunch, with pickles and hot sauce. WHAT? I was creative.. or something.
    No one in France eats peanut-butter. It cost 8 american dollars for a jar.

    Anyway, saw you started following my blog and yours seems pretty cool. Hope to see you around 20 sb more too!

  11. Wow, that is creative I don't think I have the guts to try that combo though. 8$ for a jar of Peanut Butter in France!! That's ridiculous, but I would totally pay it!

    Myli-That's awesome! I love making other people's day brighter, especially with the simplest of things. :)


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