Friday, December 30, 2011

Welcome back, nerd.

So for Christmas my mom got me a Kindle Touch, which was exactly what I wanted. As soon as I opened it and figured it out a little bit I started downloading books, so far I have 35 and counting. One of the first books that I downloaded with the gift card my mom gave me (and those things are like gold for a broke college student like myself) was called Flat- Out Love by Jessica Park and I have to say that it was $3.49 well spent. I read it in a coffeehouse, by a window in my house as the sun was setting and it was becoming hard to read, and a time or two when my mom was nagging at me to stop reading.

Since I've been in school I haven't had a lot of time to do some leisure reading, which is normal, but it's okay with me.  This break from school has been slightly relaxing, crazy at best but my family was never anything but.  I was ecstatic when I opened up my Kindle Touch and since I've had it I haven't really put it down. I think it has actually gotten me back into reading and I love that so much. A friend of mine also got one so we are going to start lending to each other and being total nerds, I love it! Though just because I got a Kindle does not in anyway mean that I will stop buying and reading books in print, because if I have cash on me and see a book that I want to read and keep I usually impulsively buy it.

I hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas and that your New Year is merry and bright! the words of Neil Gaiman, "“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself". 

(All pictures via Google Images)


  1. Yayyyyy, welcome to the Kindle Klub. (Oh God, did I really just spell "club" with a 'k'?) It's a ton of fun. I was inseparable from my Kindle for a kouple of weeks. (Oh look, there I go again with the 'k's!)

  2. I got a Kindle for Christmas as well. I've been very love/hate with Kindles for over a year, because nothing will ever replace the experience of a paper-and-binding book. My reluctance has given way to's kind of cool. I justify the betrayal by reminding myself this will make it easier to read books for pleasure, something I haven't done much of in the last few months. But like you, I will also buy books in print if I love the author/book enough (such as anything Stephen King does).

    Happy reading!


  3. I have too much of a love of the written word and the feel of a book in my hands to just drop them, the Kindle is just nifty for traveling and it's easier if no physical books are near. But since I'm a poor college kid I can't afford many books on the Kindle because I will probably but them in print anyways.

  4. Ah I would love a Kindle. I'd probably go all out and get the Fire though, but then I'd probably just get too distracted to read anything on it. But I also impulsively buy books! I have started like 4 books in the past couple weeks...

  5. Sweet! I wanted a Fire, but money is tight so I got a Touch, it's pretty cool and I enjoy it :) Four books, very nice Woody :)


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