Thursday, June 16, 2011

Because sharing is caring.. (part 1)

Now that I have my new computer and wifi is back on I think it's high time for me to give you guys some of my promised posts..I'm such a tease. So I think I'm going to start off with my favorite blogger's posts of the month, I chose the month because you guys give me more material to chose from in that time so I'd say it's all good.

On that we GO!!

Dancing Around My House- I first came across Juliet's blog on just browsing the users and fellow Blogger users and from the beginning her eloquent and entertaining posts have made me smile every time I read them.

deliberation- he's a man of few words but he's pretty awesome, plus his picture posts are the shiz.

PuNk rAwK pUrL- a Twiiter friend, a fellow cat lover and has a passion for fashion. Tammy is one of those people that you really would want to meet in real life one day. Her blog is pretty awesome too. Just take my word for it, k.

The Unconvential Oven- It's my Twitter friend Leanne's new blog, the last one was great but this one will be better.

S.S Vintage- also a Twitter friend and fellow camera carrier, except she has an Etsy and finds awesome treasures.

I think this is all that I'm going to do for now...there will be more of these posts to come so keep an eye out. :)



  1. I am definitely going to have to check these out!

  2. Yay!!! I am so honred to be on this awesome list! xoxox

  3. I think it's awesome that you do this to help spread the word for us bloggers to find some awesome new reads.

  4. Well thank you, this is the first of many installments, I'm pretty excited to share the treasures on my reader with you guys :)

  5. You're awesome!! :) Thanks for the shout out, Very much appreciated!! :D

  6. Aww thank you Sam, you're welcome :)


Thank you for leaving me an assorted thought of your own. :)