Thursday, March 24, 2011

This didn't turn into what I was hoping it would..

If you were to walk into the Starbucks by my house right now you would see the "usual" crowd for this area, business men still in their suits sipping coffee and teas and unwinding before they head home, two random guys talking about who knows what, and the people that are here for the wifi and  a cute couple nuzzling in one of the many overstuffed and amazingly comfortable chairs. Then there's me. I don't think that I really belong in a place where there is such an palpable vibe of "cool". Okay so I know that not ALL Starbucks locations are as cool I wish they were but I've been to a few pretty sweet ones over the years. If your ever in Kansas City and have a hankering for a cup of joe and you're close to The Country Club Plaza you should check out the Starbucks there. You don't even have to get all the way into the door and the energy is palpable!  Good lord I should stop with the promoting of this drug house. Why am I even writing still?? I know I had a subject to write about when I came in here to borrow their wifi in the first place and it has left me. Sigh. I wonder if any  of the barista's blog?

Next time I write I'm hoping that I'll actually have something worth while to write for you guys...

But til then this Chai Latte is the cat's meow.

P.S If Starbucks did like want to endorse me to write about them or even hire me for a second job, I'd totally take it.
P.P.S This place is such a great place to people watch and accidentally eavesdrop on other peoples conversations. I"M SO BAD but I can't help it!

1 comment:

Thank you for leaving me an assorted thought of your own. :)